Shift to paperless system of a far-flung hospital

On a far island, this sanitarium used to be a leprosarium during the outbreak of leprosy years ago. Now, it was converted into a general care hospital. Housing a number of paper-based patient records throughout decades, the sanitarium found it tedious to search and retrieve them manually.

The Solution
SVI took on the challenge and travelled to the island to set up their digitization equipment. Aside from SVI personnel, we also hired local residents to perform the digitization process that includes grooming, scanning, and indexing.
The Results
SVI’s efforts yielded impressive results. We digitized approximately 900,000 pages of 137,281 patients.
This sanitarium’s case study is another success story of SVI’s digitization of patient records. SVI continues to make its mark in transforming medical facilities into a paperless industry.

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